Monday, April 02, 2007

Musical Monday

I'm too White and Nerdy...

I just love Weird Al... and Donny Osmond dancing in the background is hilarious too! Two grown men who aren't afraid to make fools of themselves in public... hehe... too funny!


The Random One said...

Woah! I love this song! I almost have all of it memorized... ^_^

Yaaaay, I will be seeing Weird Al in concert in the summer!!

Awesome Mom said...

I never get tired of that song or video.

Ruth said...

I don't know what song Weird Al is rewriting, but it was hilarious. In fact, I see waaaay to many things I LIKE on this video. Hehehehe. Guess I fit in this category!!!!

Anonymous said...

I must be really White and Nerdy because I got excited to see Donnie Osmond dancing in the background the first time I saw this video. My friends were a little freaked out that I recognized him before they did, haha.